
SMART enables your planning team identify & manage risks across your procurement process and supply chain. The process starts by mapping your supply chain relationships, where are you most exposed? Which Manufacturers and essential products? The process flows on to life cycle tests for raw materials, manufacturing, transport, quality, inventory and single or multi source

BlueSpec is your digital blueprint to build a sustainable supply chain. It develops a data matrix for the products and services you buy. BlueSpec can collate 1000’s of data elements and business rules into layers including:

  1. Features, functions, requirements
  2. Pricing & volume breaks
  3. Technical specification & standards
  4. Certification and compliance with global standards including Modern Slavery
  5. Point of origin tracing
  6. Manufacturing locations & plant capacity

Marketplace is our core SRM App that enables continuous connection with your suppliers. It holds all key supplier data and integrates with all other 4Links Apps.

Quality data is now considered essential for an efficient procurement process, so a single cloudbased point of truth for all stakeholders is the first stage.

Marketplace enables a secure transition to the cloud with increased agility and automated data exchange with suppliers. It is the path to leveraging big data analytics.

Marketplace Apps
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While Marketplace enables global connectivity with your supply chain, SMART’s compliance module underpins your Risk Models with compliance tools that can manage 100s of QA and certification triggers on essential products or services.  The system draws on over 6000 ISO standards and all medical standards.  You can invoke part or all of any standard such as 9001,14001, 18000. Standards can be operated for both internal & external assessment.

Compliance Apps
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Starting with a blank canvas we thought “what’s the best imaginable solution for strategic sourcing?” essential elements included:

  • Highly automated but able to be customised
  • Real time trading to exploit market volatility and competitive tension
  • Optional solutions to match spend types eg. buying frequency, value, complexity and market size

So we developed 5 options that can be selected to match your needs, whether you’re building a bridge, buying rubber gloves or hiring trades we have the solution to save money, control risks and drive efficiency.

We then linked these to a Workflow Planner integrating your sourcing plan, business rules, checklists & approvals.

Strategic Sourcing Apps
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Enterprise & Governments are placing greater focus on productivity & efficiency to reduce costs & meet budget targets. Improving procurement performance is key in achieving this, but reducing costs in a sustainable way requires collaboration that only the best technology can deliver including:

  • Visibility & transparency across every process
  • Control of SLA’s & KPI’s
  • Data sharing & secure communications with suppliers
  • 360 degree view of suppliers & markets
  • 24/7 control over projects, contracts, sites & works
  • Budget management, reporting, cash burn & spend planning touches every part of your organisation

Collaboration will determine the success or failure of many organisations.

Many organisations completely rely on high cost capital assets to operate, yet many don’t effectively manage the full asset lifecycle, and the complex requirements to maintain, service, replace or upgrade the properties, plant & equipment or fleet vehicles they rely on.

4Links Asset Manager’s Whole of Life approach enables you to control every aspect of the asset cycle.

Like all other aspects of procurement, data feeds you the knowledge to buy well, minimise operating costs and budget for replacement, it’s an essential piece for many companies.

Asset Management Apps
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